Dr. Lim performs the following surgeries and procedures:
- Carotid Artery Endarterectomy
- Bypass at Upper Extremity
- Mesenteric or Renal Artery Intervention with Angioplasty and Stenting
- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair – Open or Endovascular
- Iliac Disease Angioplasty and Stenting
- Lower Extremity Bypass Surgery (Femoral to Popliteal Bypass, Femoral to Distal)
- Lower Extremity Endovascular Surgery – Angioplasty and Stenting
- Varicose Vein Radio Frequency Ablation Therapy Procedure, veuaseal, foam sclero therapy
- Angiograms – Including Carotid, Cerebral, Aorta, Upper and Lower Extremities
- Thrombolytic Therapy
At Total Vascular Surgery, Inc we offer the following Ultrasound Studies:
- Carotid Duplex Studies
- Extremity Arterial Studies
- Extremity Venous Studies
- Retroperitoneum Studies
- Visceral and Pelvic ABD Studies